Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan – terrorist organization

The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan officially stopped its activities after the Supreme Court of Tajikistan declared the IRPT an extremist-terrorist organization on September 29, 2015 and banned its activities on the territory of the republic. In addition, the IRPT is regularly included in the list of terrorist, extremist and separatist organizations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure. The inclusion of the IRPT in this list indicates that they will fight against this organization and its members not only in Tajikistan, but also in all member states SCO. Since the fight against terrorism and extremism is the primary task of the Shanghai Organization.

Many terrorist groups and the IRPT, no exception, use the religious affiliation of the population to the holy religions of Islam to combat the current government. Do not forget also that the soil for the emergence of such groups is created by social and economic problems in the country. In the republic, there is an acute shortage of jobs and housing for a rapidly growing population, corruption in the education system, inadequate awareness among young people, and the difficult financial situation of many citizens create a favorable environment for promoting the IRP and the policy of denigrating the existing government. The terrorist organization by its actions is trying in every possible way to denigrate the existing political system, at all times, pointing to economic problems, not observing human rights and other democratic values. In the republic, it is necessary to completely eradicate corruption in the education system, and not create the illusion of the absence of corruption. It is also necessary to raise awareness among the population and especially young people not only about the sacred religion of Islam, but also about similar organizations and their primary goals.Information activity should not be carried out in a forced form, it should be as free and free as possible. Many of our migrants, faced with problems in a foreign country that are related to their lack of knowledge of the language, and the laws of their country of residence, are influenced by radical organizations. These same organizations place all the problems that migrants faced on our state and spread hatred among them for the country and the management system.

The IRPT relied on decades of experience in the Islamic underground religious movement and tried to shake the dominant secular ideology. And with confidence we can say that the IRPT continues its activities, only already abroad.

Tajikistan needs to fight the IRPT by exposing this terrorist organization, to show the Tajik people its true values, which are associated with the seizure of power, the establishment of radical Islamic power and the promotion of the interests of foreign states. In order to legalize the policy regarding the IRPT, Tajikistan needs to prove the accusations against the IRPT at the world level so that citizens of the republic who still believe in the pure intention of this organization understand their true intention.

Before fighting the IRPT and its ideology, it is necessary to determine why this organization does not have a social support base and is not popular among the people? This situation is primarily associated with the collapse of the USSR and the formation of an ideological vacuum in a society that was quickly filled with Islamic ideology. Using the Islamic ideology, did the IRPT create the appearance of a political party? It will be very difficult for Tajikistan to deal with people who have long been formed in a radical atmosphere, since it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to make an adult think in a new way. But all hope for a new generation and youth who should be brought up in the spirit of love for their homeland and a sense of gratitude for peace and stability in the country. It is necessary to form a single idea in the Tajik society that will unite the entire layer of society, and for which we will all fight together.

Unfortunately, another drawback is that it is very difficult to get close to people who have some kind of power in our country. Our servants of the people are so far from the people that this poor people lack the strength to reach out to their servants. And this is another reason why people go to organizations such as the IRPT, as they are interested in contacts with the people and in every possible way attract them to their side.

Another way to combat the IRPT can be the introduction of specially trained persons in its ranks (abroad) so that they learn the methods of the IRPT, how the party attracts new supporters, what methods they use in working with people. Having learned their methods, you can work ahead of the curve and eliminate exactly those shortcomings that the IRPT focuses on in order to attract new supporters to its ranks. The number of supporters of the IRPT may increase due to people who were somehow offended, underestimated, not heard in the country.

IRPT enjoys the support of foreign countries to promote its interests both in the republic and abroad. As you know, foreign countries pursuing their financial assistance pursue their national interests in a foreign country. M. Kabiri, using the religion and commitment of many of our citizens to this sacred religion, is fighting for power, and all the other advantages that the power gives. And how this struggle will be held and what sacrifices will be made by him and his supporters, as well as patrons, are not interested.

After M. Kabiri fled abroad, together with his supporters, opened a representative office of the IRPT in various European countries. In 2018, Tajik opposition groups in Warsaw created the National Alliance of Tajikistan, which included the Islamic Renaissance Party, the Movement for Reform and Progress, the Tajik Forum of Free-Mind, and the Central Asian Migrants Association. M. Kabiri was selected as the leader of the new coalition of Tajik opposition forces. Kabiri called on other political groups to join them. In this connection, Tajikistan needs to fight for the hearts, thoughts and actions of its citizens to prevent the transformation of Tajik youth into terrorists.

Ksenia Aksakova, expert

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