The jamia of Nofaradzh is educated on the basis of the Joint Decree of deputies of Uroteppy of April 27, 1977 at No. 198.
The total area of rural community is 11.7 thousand People.
The population of jamia as of 01.01.2017 makes 11509 people, including: men – 5739 people, women – 5770 people.
Population size by training: the higher education – 325, secondary professional education – 275, secondary education – 8581, basic (9 years) – 933, without education – 85 people.
The number of able-bodied population is 6,278 people from whom 4684 are employed.
The jamia of Nofaradzh is the agricultural region, and the agricultural industry is the main sector of economy.
In community there are 10524.11 hectares of agricultural holdings and 1288.1 hectares of the irrigated arable lands of the following types:
– an arable land of 2945.0 hectares, including 905.5 hectares of the irrigated lands
– perennial plants – 211.7 hectares, including 210.1 hectares of the irrigated lands
– pastures of 5174.6 hectares
– in total agricultural holdings of 8331.7 hectares, including 1116.1 hectares of the irrigated lands
– the land plot of 579.0 hectares, including 113.0 hectares of the irrigated lands
– 292.0 hectares, including the woods and 0.32 hectares irrigated
– Underground water of 139.6 hectares
– the earth under expensive 87.76 hectares
– lands under the building of 253.23 hectares
– other lands of 564.0 hectares
The total area of lands of personal plots of citizens is 325.0 hectares from whom 59.0 hectares – the irrigated arable lands.
Now in an agricultural community there are 462 Dehkan economy as of January 1, 2017, and according to the decision of the chairman of the Sughd region and according to the decision of the chairman of the city of 34 large-scale enterprises were reconstructed. Besides, in jamia there are 8 affiliated agricultural enterprises. In 2015 rural communal farmers reached 2633.2 hectares. • Grain crops including 778.2 hectares in the earth of water. On the area of 145.43 hectares of potatoes, 22.17 hectares vegetables, 99.49 hectares. commercial crops, 8 hectares of corn on a silo 43.2. In 2016 8 hectares. New gardens were created and 68 hectares of the earth were rekultivirovano. According to Dehkan farms of community, there are 537 heads of cattle. They have 163 heads of cows, 95 heads of small cattle and 30 heads of horses. The average salary of workers in this sphere is 250 somoni.
Roads of nation-wide value – 6 km, local – 29.2 km asphalted only 12.7 km.
In rural areas Nofaradzha there are no telecommunication services, such as city and international telecommunication services. In the field of Nofary national television programs, including Channel One, Safin, Dzhakhonnamo, Bakhoriston, “The Sughd television and cinema” are partially broadcast.
The community services Rural organization of water supply in Istaravshan, 160 m with a total area of 29 km and 5 workers. The average salary is 400 somoni. In community there are 28 service points, including: 2 hairdressing salons, 3 butcher shops and 10 shops, 11 electrical networks and 5 oil receivers.
In jamia there are 7 high schools at which 192 teachers study for 2576 pupils, from them 130 have the higher education. In jamia there are 2 preschool institutions.
In the settlement of Nofaroy there are 2 clubs on 500 places, 2 libraries with fund of 6150 books. Their average salary is 350 somoni.
In jamia there are 1 district hospital, 1 policlinic, 3 medical centers and 1 drugstore. Health protection with doctors (11209 people) – 7 people. Security of the population with average medical personnel (up to 10875 people) 46 people. The population with beds (11,209 people) of 40 pieces. The average salary of workers of this sphere is 550 somoni.
In the territory of jamia there are 2 gyms and 10 sports grounds. There are no pools or sports sections.