You have accused me of anonymity… “You must know, ‘this is the very same thing that led you to the death of our parents.’

My merchant was not a toy of others, nobody came to the door for money or anything else, so I built all my home and business with my own labor.

Like you two times I never went to the Artek recreation camp. I have not graduated from university. Nobody made a home for me, and I was never given credit like that.

Now let’s analyze once again what brand of Salimpur’s Mirza brand has brought to our family, personally, to me and our homeland Tajikistan.

Thanks to our father, they were members of the District Bureau of the Communist Party, and how did the second district leader follow you?
You were told to rally at the doors of the university and university dormitories to speak Tajik, but why your own children do not know the Tajik language today.
With your provocative writings against the then republic’s leadership, our father was fired.
At a meeting of 20 people, you burnt a Komsomol blade, because you have twice visited the Artek recreation center with the support of the district Komsomol Committee.
The newspaper Charoghi Day wrote a critical article about his father’s father, Aloviddin Urokov and Jurabek Murodov, who were friends of my aunt’s family.
The first month before our wedding we all told our mother that I had not taken my wife to wash your clothes.
There was an article about the adviser of the First President of Tajikistan R.Nabiev, what his father did not tell you.
When the two grounds appeared, the Kulob people wrote in their slogan, “No Islam”. That is, you stirred two areas together. 200,000 people were killed, why not write about this today that 200,000 people were killed by my own inclination. Along with Sangak Safarov and Rizvon Sidirov, you have left the name behind the scenes as a bloody man in history.
The former leaders of the Kulob region have written an open letter to them to blame for all the misfortune and trouble. So why not write about the opposition leaders? Because the opposition has seized the Kulob region with economic blockade, why didn’t you write about the steps taken by Davlat Hudonazarov and others, if others were writing about this presidential election!
During the civil war in Hisor District, my father escaped you with great fear of being killed, but later that evening you showed yourself on TV, because you only needed fame. The labors of my father were of no value to you.
On the eve of the 16th Session of the Supreme Council, you would always advertise yourself on TV, at the time, for the possible risk of being killed, my father had a hard time. because they took the father away, searched the house, beat me, and rescued the poor father.
The image of our family in the village. At that time, my father had two private cars and a service car, they were all driven out of his ambitious and criminal gangs, and they went to work at gunpoint and threatened to write his own resignation, but today you claim that I have 3-4 apartments of € 300,000 in Europe.
All the “heroes” have escaped, and you remain in the house of the Master Dodojo as a host!
After Askar Hakim, the poet, appeared on TV, my father did not sleep until morning, because you were a Dodojon school, and with great difficulty you feared you were going to flee to his Ossetian house.
Our father was taken to the Shahrinav District Department of Internal Affairs to help his students and friends be released, but he was estranged and wanted to shoot the father of a provocative Malik-commander.
How many ways did your father’s Ossetian friend bring you home after a month, even if the stockholders shunned you?
During the night, the housebikes came home, escaping the cries of their parents.
Escaping to the Republic of Turkmenistan, where you had no other choice than to drink alcohol, your father went to see you.
When we went to visit you with your mother, you bought some for us, but it was not enough for you to buy a small gift for my mother.
You have sent me money from Turkmenistan.
You came home with a kilo of iris from Turkmenistan.
To the father’s question, why did you come to these troubles, you said that I came to attend my wife’s son’s wedding. You added that you are tired of being a stranger. Aren’t you going to tell the thousands of strangers who are strangers to you?
You have accused the father at the dinner table of why you were unfamiliar with Vali Uzbek at the time you were assuming a job in the empire today.
When our father advised us to go back to Turkmenistan or Russia, you said, “My wife is a bitch, her nephews are bro, and Vali Uzbekov is a relative.wet act.
On the day of my grandfather’s death, you accused my father that you were always in the government. If our father was unemployed, he could provide for us.
On the day of the funeral, you were only trying to advertise, all relatives were saying, “Run away from her.”
I escorted you from Tursunzoda to the head of the cotton factory, thank you to Hasan Mannonov, by train to Dehnav town of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and both father and Hasan Mannonov explain that they used you as a toy, but don’t give up. .
My father was weeping when he took the name of you on the radio alongside some of the opposition members in Tehran.
Eight months later, you said out loud that nobody was working for you, but you gathered old ex-lovers around, every Wednesday you went to fortune tellers and did not tell your father what to do.
With one bag at the Hissar bazaar to a paid trader, so much so that his father and his comrades explained. When the police stopped and closed the street shopping at Hisor market, what happened to his father, who waited all night in front of the police station in Hisor, but there was no evidence of his relatives.
All hope was for Vali Uzbekov tomorrow morning in front of the police station I was driving in a car, I would call home from the office of the chairman of Hissar town of Hissar. went out.
My father used to go to the offices of the United Nations, the European Union, the US Embassy in Tajikistan, and the Prosecutor’s office every day, and no one else was around. You sent a message from the prison telling me to sell your house and door to get rid of me.
When we met at the Prosecutor-General’s Office in the investigator’s office, we wrote a statement that Dodojon Atovulloev was compelled to write provocative articles.
When he was released thanks to His Excellency, my first public speech was that I was liberated by a certain number of Vali Uzbeks.
Three days after your release, you accused my parents and me of taking your money and possessions.
a) On the day when you were given your bag by my father, I took 10 pieces of bread out of it, and gave Tohir, my brother, a teacher, Firdavs Nuraliev, bread to the family.

b) At the request of your wife I opened your bag and counted my baggage and gave it to you.

In exchange for all his hard work, you did not thank my father. However, the father called his friend Buri Karimov and asked you to help them.
You were lucky, all you had to do was wear two warm winter clothes, one expensive and the other low-quality, and the line inside found that it was my dad’s low-cost, second-most for your wife’s family. father’s sorrows? After reading your letter, no one will eat your old candy and wear winter warm clothes.
Leaving your wife and children in Moscow, knowing how to live in your homeland, was difficult due to father’s unemployment. Poor car dream, he sent me to Moscow, what face did you meet? Being one of your wife’s uncle in one corner of your house and at another corner of your house. One day your wife argued with me for a teaspoon of honey.
When I got to the point of sale, you did not have much load in your store, we became one of the leaders of Cherkiz market for 6 months, promised to buy a car for my father, but when I arrived in Dushanbe, your wife got into trouble with her father. that he would buy a car for his father. You could not stand before them as one of the rights and the obedient!
When I arrived in Moscow, I took my father to the market the first week and bought a new car with my money and savings, and the seller was aware of the total cost of the car, $ 400. The seller gave me just one month to give the rest of the money, but I don’t know why you would not have paid at least $ 400, or maybe nobody would have allowed it.
When you arrived in Dushanbe, you kept $ 4,000 in the hands of your father to buy a house for you.
What foreign fund paid you $ 2,000 and what salesman asked you why you didn’t pay $ 5,000, and you said that if someone in our house killed someone I would get $ 5,000 and I would be shocked to hear that.
On my wedding day, you bought a TV and a video player and gave it to a relative and it turned out that these gifts were bought with my own money.
At the end of my wedding, I asked for money from the artists, and you got the fight to get out of my father, but you didn’t appreciate me for your wealth!
At the Moscow business, you were going to stop your money and risky business by collecting your wife and relatives, promising me that you would promise me homeless, buying a house, a car, and a large sum of money. I am yours and I believe it is, but unfortunately the stockholders are the others.
When the economic crisis came, you declared yourself bankrupt and forced the vendors to swear by the Qur’an, put the debts on me, but it was just a theatrical scene, and you made the money early.
I wanted to buy a camera and go back to my previous profession, but you did not allow me to buy clothes for myself.
When you first came to Tajikistan, you were quiet one day and told yourself that my father-in-law has found a home and I will go to his address and I will give it to you. I don’t know what your wife’s family has said to you, but have a debt before you die because I will never forgive that debt. And they will not put you into the grave until you pay back what you owe.
The other around you, the murderer, the fraudster, the drug dealer, you were running around, you had a habit of standing in front of your father, waiting for me to start a war, blaming your father with your money and talisman. It was difficult to eat bread with you anymore, because you used to poison.
I put my father’s footwork into Asia, and you and your commanders didn’t work. How many times have I heard you say that you made me black in front of my father.
The house that your father built, you renovated, it was difficult to talk to you and your team. The others were dancing. If your father would say anything, you would go straight to the witchcraft and make a fuss, or even put a broom under the roof to cover your father’s mouth.
I went to Moscow, I had a good job at first, the guys at the market were well received, but the jealousy was in you, and you started practicing witchcraft against me.
In Tajikistan, you were just advertising yourself, and eventually the Mujahideen, who were supposed to be their “heroes”, came in and took everything with their weapons. Because some household appliances, which can be invaded by others, go to the ancient ones. It was frightening today and you couldn’t say anything that day.
It started, everybody was taken to the police station and killed, nobody came home, or there was a fuss on the way, but you were to name it. It was clear to me that your main foil was goodwill.
Before the album and the cassette of my wedding, you gave me a foil for closing my mouth.

When you went to work in RFE / RL and arrived in Moscow, you were coming home from Moscow, every time you came back there was a problem.
I was sending money home from you, but you didn’t give it to my parents and you counted as a percentage of your money. Today, you complain that I have diabetes – a percentage of the money you ate and are suffering today.
You ordered me to buy a ticket for your colleagues, and this was a kind of “postava” for your colleagues, who took me and beaten me in the forests of Russia and took away my money. You can send a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to study this file. I lost my health, all my money, and my business, but you didn’t say a good thing, but you got into an argument with me. You are not responsible.
Again you have satanic devotion to me, saying that I will give you my goods, but you do not need me, because the sores are still in my heart. You say that I go to give alms before all. Your fun was not long, your spy car was turned on, the Lord showed for your lies.
Dad sold a few yards for me, didn’t buy or even sold my neighbor’s yard three times, and you and your wife didn’t remember. and he said buy the yard because it is a cheap airline. What have I done to you that prevented me from being a neighbor to me? Or do you not want your brother to own your house? Thanks to your banned policy, I have owned a home for the worst of 8 years.
When my father allocated a piece of land for me in the yard, I asked my father and his wife, who did not understand, started building and removed the house. Then you paid for the trick.
When my father got sick, I was brought to Moscow and underwent surgery, as a big boy you could not afford a part of the money, yes.You didn’t even have the money to pay for your dad’s phone, my sick father called you and told you his health and well-being. You also say publicly that I earn 14,000 Euros a month. Whose is your money? When your father returned to Dushanbe, you came to Tajikistan, and you lied to his family and told him we had surgery on our father.
You would show the euro packages at home and then sell it to a drug dealer for interest, but your interest will have a negative impact on your life already, because the drug dealer has been imprisoned. Wait, one day he will be released from prison and will return your money. In what hadith or verse do you read Sharif’s words that allow Islam to lend a bureaucratic interest in exchange for interest? It would not have been better if you had invested money in your second brother to make a living or not.
My dad’s funeral would come and go shopping every day, but we later found out that this money was being donated by your mother, and she told people that I was going to repair the village mosque. get rid of it. The villagers still seem to think that our family has spent all of your money to repair the mosque.
When distributing the father’s legacy, we gave our sister-in-law a house in the capital, everyone signed it, signed it yourself, but after a while you said, “Let’s build a sister.” I asked if you had the money, you said you would get me 14,000 euros, but you only gave me $ 2,000. But you never thought about what those two thousand dollars would be. Our sister’s upstairs apartment was worth $ 50,000, or this time it wasn’t for her to have a home in the capital. Thanks to the haram policy, your sister entered the unfinished house only 5-6 years later.
You said that I put a stone in the tomb of my father, I asked him if I needed money, and you said that I would settle for myself, but here you also put your money and put a little stone.
After the death of the mother in Russia due to the crisis in Russia I could not go into debt and mepocpo divided by your wife. My name is missing. Where did you see the house-daughter-in-law divide the inheritance. Or is your word not a sacrifice to him?
You take on yourself a true Muslim today, why didn’t you divide your inheritance according to Islam among your father’s children? Is that your Islam that you are struggling with or you are accustomed to eating?

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